Wedding Present Company | Lifestyle

artistic making coffee machine moody lighting

Experiential Lifestyle Photography

The Wedding present company commissioned me to document their client journey around their stunning offices in central London. As an experiential brand they wanted photography that portrayed the emotions and feel of the customer experience without revealing the details. These images were also to double up to include and market a number of their products. All the products you can see are for sale and so the idea was the tastefully combine experiential and product photography.

modern farmhouse style kitchen cabinets photography

I love to collaborate

I really loved this shoot; it combined a lot of the best bits of lifestyle photography and product photography for me. Shooting product photography on location always allows a great mix of creativity collaboration and technical ability. Technical because the mixed lighting in all the different locations meant that I had to use gels to effectively manage the different colour temperatures. Working closely with a stylist we arranged the different set ups to work for angles that I had predetermined.


Contrary to a lot of photographers I really like having the client’s there as I like the iterative and collaborative process of creating beautiful imagery - plus we actually had a laugh on this shoot. Things getting a little cluttered in these images but we thought that that including some more moody ambient lighting made it work highlighting certain areas and drawing the viewers eye.


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Firia Lifestyle Photography | Studio